Friday, February 6, 2009

Updates, Contests and Symposiums

Hello World -
It's a new month and new hope is out on the horizon. Thanks to an awesome fellow aspiring author the first book in my fantasy series The Nedaran Prophecy will get a once over by a professional editor. I am SO excited and am eager to hear their suggestions.

In the meantime, I need to pass on information in regards to a fabulous contest that fellow author Anne Bradshaw is hosting on her blog. On a regular basis Anne holds contests with fabulous prizes. You should really check out her blog and while there don't forget to poke around and learn more about this amazing woman and the stuff she writes, including her upcoming book Famous Family Nights releasing later this year.
To find out more details about this week's contest and rules go to:

Not Entirely British: CONTEST - for Soothing and Uplifting CD

Also, if you live in Utah or will be visiting Utah the week of February 16th and are an aspiring author you should consider attending

"the Life, the Universe & Everything: The Marion K. “Doc” Smith Symposium on Science Fiction and Fantasy"

that will be held at BYU in Provo, UT February 19-21, 2009. For more information on the symposium and who the visiting authors will be please check out the following link:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Karen - So sorry you didn’t win the contest on my blog this week at Not Entirely British.

Thanks for taking part. Hope you will enter again soon. This week’s prize book is well worth winning.