Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Writing is Joy

I love planning sessions. Last week, Stephanie and I met on the phone and planned out book two of our Nedaran Series. I'm so looking forward to getting to work on it and see how our general outline pans out. I love discovering events, and new twists that beloved characters bring to a story. Writing also is a very enlightening method of discovering yourself and what you are willing to put characters through to make a great story.

Writing is definitely hard work, but one of the most rewarding things I know. If you haven't tried it lately...give it a go.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Brief Update

I apologize for not posting anything for a while. I am expecting to have a baby next week and have been on bed rest for the last several months. Even though it would have been a fantastic time to catch up on all my writing, I'm afraid that I have done very little. However, my co-author and I will be meeting tomorrow to plan out the outline for the remainder of the series we are working on...so hopefully I will have some notes of what I've learned through the process to post sometime within the next month. Good luck to all of you on your writing efforts, and never give up hope...there is sunshine on the horizon and as long as you never lose faith in yourself, then you will reach your writing goals in due course. See you on the flipside.